Thursday, May 19, 2011

when i open my eyes...

after i sharing a draft of my book 'when i close my eyes...' to my good little mate sarah she told me that next i will have to write a story called 'when i open my eyes...' well, this isn't quite a story sarah i think it might be more of a poem. but thanks for the suggestion. i wrote this remembering what it was like waking up as a little kid. my childhood memories have never been stronger since having children of my own...he he, children. i'm just getting used to the plural! xx

so i guess this grown up photo might not be quite fitting but i just love it. x

when i open my eyes...

i blink at the light and wait for my eyes to catch up with the rest of the world

my throat is dry, 

i drink my bedside water 

and it tastes like a river.

when i open my eyes...

the smell of toast

and the sound of dad’s radio station

reach my bedroom;

it’s the home part of house. 

when i open my eyes...

i roll over and day dream

i have a thought...

today is the first today

there has never been one before.

rachel xx

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