Wednesday, February 10, 2010

when i close my eyes...i feel peaceful

i have been practicing iyenga yoga. i love it. i have been feeling a lot calmer and it has helped me think clearer. i think i might make some drawings inspired by the way i feel at the end of a yoga session. peaceful. at peace with myself. i can see large peaceful faces with their eyes closed. i drew some faces for my picture book, but i think i can explore it further as drawings unattached to a story.

a few words i want to keep in mind when drawing:
honest lines (that come from something truthful. i must be feeling peaceful to draw a peaceful face)
interesting proportions and scale

1 comment:

  1. I like how you've started you photo examples with a mask

    and the idea that honest lines come from something truthful is something for us all to keep in mind, regardless of what kind of lines might apply!

    I'm feeling similarly about tai chi
